Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) mampu dan siap menyediakan pelayanan kepalangmerahan dengan cepat dan tepat dengan berpegang teguh pada Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah Internasional

Senin, 09 Januari 2012


Amid the current conditions in which the disaster has become a friend in the environment and climate change are notunstoppable, the presence of the Indonesian Red Cross is anoasis for people who have a vulnerability sebahagian andbecome victims of the disaster.
Disaster management will be very effective if it involves allcomponents of society who have the knowledge, expertise andskills, especially the community in disaster prone areas,because they were the first to feel the impact of disasters.

Red Cross Indonesia (PMI) is a social institution that is neutraland independent humanitarian, established with the aim to helpalleviate pend ¬ eritaan fellow humans from disasters, bothnatural disasters and man-made disasters (conflict),regardless of the victims being helped . in accordance with its mandate, PMI Tanah Datar as the only organizationkepalangmerahan contained in Tanah Datar regency shouldplay an active role in providing assistance to vulnerable peoplewho need help.

In practice, most of society does not have optimal capacity in disaster preparedness. Necessary to set up a container andbase-line community-based disaster preparedness or the morepopular is called the Community Based Disaster Preparedness(SIBAT). Recruitment required a system that volunteers SIBATactually obtained a ready and responsive, as well as one effortto improve human resource capacity in disaster preparednessand disaster response early in the Target Community.

Therefore, to prepare for disaster awareness among vulnerable communities, there needs to SIBAT Basic Training. In order forthe vulnerable people really are ready and responsive, as well as one effort to improve human resource capacity in disaster preparedness and early response to disasters.
For the development and improvement of the organization, one of the best way is to increase individual skill of the personnel of the organization. One step is to improve foreign language skillsof the individual.
In recent years, English is the language of international relationsthat is widely used by several developing countries.
English proficiency is an absolute necessity is owned by individuals in order to compete in this era of globalization.